Home Softwares Predictions To Transform Software Development Space In 2020

Predictions To Transform Software Development Space In 2020

by Soft2share.com

Software development is one of the most curiosity driven fields in the world. It is a huge industry; therefore, a lot of people have to say a lot of things about the industry. However, the fact of the matter is that definitely, a lot of things keep happening in the world of software development.

As, we are entering a new year, 2020, the experts have already started predicting and expecting from the software development industry. The spending in the field of software development keeps growing and it is expected to touch the massive, $4,018 billion by the year 2021. In this article, we will explore the top 2020 software development predictions.

If we carefully assess the years gone by, we will realize that the technology has grown and progressed at a fantastically high pace. Therefore, people have already started expecting a lot from the software development industry as well. The world is flooded with tons of software development trends and predictions, though, not all the trends or the predictions have to be believed, but some of them are surely noteworthy.

Although, the predictions or the trends may not be the deciding factors, but they will have a huge impact on the software development industry. And, they will set your tone right for the next year.

Here’re a few of the top software development prediction of 2020:

  • Cloud will be distributed?

In 2020, you may see the advent of the distributed cloud systems. This will be considered as a fresh new phase of cloud computing environment. The main purpose of these new cloud solutions will be to distribute the public cloud services to a wide range of different sites. Also, all the different locations will be outside the data center of the service provider.

However, the provider will be able to control the clouds and the services. The providers will be able to manage the governance, updates, architecture as well as the operations. Though, it will completely change the game of cloud computing.

  • JavaScript may keep shining

Though, many of us must have wondered why we are still talking so much about JavaScript. Is it still that strong? Well, the answer is yes, it is. And, in 2020, you may see more use of JavaScript. It is the backbone of the development and programming and a lot of huge MNCs are making the most of JavaScript already. And, in the coming years, we may see more use of this dependable language.

Also, there is no doubt about the fact that Java will also evolve with time. Hence, it will surely bring a lot of new things. JavaScript has been used to create a bunch of interesting and valuable products and in the coming year, we may see cooler JavaScript products.

  • Welcoming the 5G wave

5G has been in the news since quite some time, and 2020 can be a big year for 5G. 5G is tremendously faster than 4G and the moment it will be available for the public, it will surely create a huge impact. Though, most probably in 2020, we will see 5G in the market, 5G is all set to offer greater range of connectivity and an unbelievably quick pace.

The Offshore Software Development Organizations will be stunned by the introduction of 5G as it may even strengthen the data security. Also, the mobile application developers will have a lot to look for. 3D gaming and other virtual reality application development will take a new turn. More and more augmented reality enabled mobile application will be developed and used by the public.

Therefore, it won’t be wrong to say that the whole world, including the application developers is eagerly waiting for this fabulous technology.

  • Increased use of the low coding products

In 2020, more developers will be keen to use the language or the tools that help them to develop products by coding less. Already, in the year 2019, as per one of the reports, 37% of the developers were either already using or were planning to use the low-code products. And, in the coming years, the number of developers will increase massively.

Even in 2020, it is believed that more than half of the developers will be interested in using less code for development. All this has been possible because of the evolution of the development process and the advent of new tools that allow the development of products by coding less.

Microsoft’s Power Platform is the biggest example, as it allows the developers to make product without manually typing a lot of codes. The low-code market is wholeheartedly welcoming the catalysts of the low code development, and Microsoft’s free products are definitely some of them.

  • Microservices Architecture may become more popular

Microservices Architecture is expected to become more famous in the year 2020, specially, because of the growing use of clouds. As, microservices will be more dominant, therefore, the world will need more talented microservices experts. As, it perfectly fits with Cloud Native, therefore, the chances of the growth of microservices will higher. At the same time, we may expect quicker software development with microservices.

Listed above are a few of the top predictions, expectations or trends related to software development. There is a lot that you can expect in the world of software development, like Python will become a lot more popular. Also, the focus on user experience, design of the software and the overall experience that the visitors get will be higher.

Though, these predictions are based on solid facts and research, but, it doesn’t mean that we can’t expect anything else from the world of software development. As, the industry keeps evolving, therefore, a lot of new and unexpected items can happen in the software industry as well. It is just that you would have to be prepared for the new beginnings.

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