GREEN! GREEN! GREEN! The word that has made a major uproar in every corner of the world. With the changing environmental conditions, there has been an immense rise in taking more and more steps towards the green. Using environmental-friendly products not only helps us save our mother nature but is also beneficial to us in numerous ways. It is much cheaper than traditional products. One such product is a solar water heater. SWH (Solar Water Heater) is a device used to produce hot water using the natural source of energy i.e., sun. The mechanism providing hot water can be used for all our day-to-day activities, including bathing, washing, cleaning, etc. It is generally installed on the roof of buildings of both commercial and residential.
With the strong support of the government in subsidies in India, SWH has become a long way. There has been a drastic demand for solar water heater in Ahmedabad now. One such company, which offers the top-notch quality SWH from years in India, is Citizen Solar.
Two types of solar water heaters are available in the Indian market:
1.ETC (Evacuated Tube Collector)
2. FPC (Flat Plate Collector)
Evacuated Tube Collector (ETC)
The ETC solar water heater system work on the principle of ‘black color absorbs maximum heat than any other color’. ETC SWH system uses vacuum tubes that are made of borosilicate glass. The glass is coated with a special coating to absorb maximum solar energy that is called Evacuated Tube Collector. The ETC system has vertical tubes in it that are made of two co-axial glass tubes. The air between the two co-axial cells is removed to create a vacuum that will help improve insulation. The outer surface of the wall is coated with a unique coating material, which will help in the absorption of solar radiation and transfers that absorb heat to the water that flows through the inner tube. For the better insulation and absorption, the surface of the inner tube is coated.
FPC (Flat Plate Collector)
The FPC solar water heating system absorbs solar radiation through a flat plate collector, which is insulated with a metallic box. The FPC system is metallic. The outer metallic box is covered with a toughened glass. The table, on the other end, has a layer of a copper sheet, which is extremely good for absorbing heath. The copper sheet on the metallic box is further coated with black coating, as black helps in absorbing maximum heat. Like, ETC, where tubes are connected vertically, the metallic box which contains copper tubes are arranged vertically and later, are joined at the top as well as at the bottom by two horizontal copper pipes, which are known as pipe headers.
How to decide which solar water heater (SWH) system to install?
The choice of deciding the ETC or FPC system depends on many conditions. One of the most important factors to consider is location. Other consideration includes weather conditions and other external factors. ETC system is fragile and cheaper, whereas FPC is expensive but long-lasting as they are metallic. However, both methods can heat water effectively and efficiently. To choose the right type of SWH that will fit in our location and other external factors, we can take the help of the expert solar manufacturers of India, Citizen Solar. Whether we need industrial solar panels, residential solar panels, or solar panels for a commercial building, they will guide us in choosing the appropriate solar water heater system for our applications. Citizen Solar is the most exceptional top brand in India manufacturing and selling the highest quality solar water heater system. For more information, visit Citizen Solar.
In the green world, a solar water heater is the best product to install in our home, offices, and industries. It is environment-friendly, cheaper, and zero dependency on hard chemicals. Imperatively, it helps us in saving electricity bills, as we will not be using any unit from the electricity hub and using natural energy.