Leadership is defined not only as a research area but also a practical skill, which includes the ability of an individual or organization to lead guide other individuals, teams, departments, or entire organization. A business leader is someone who performs tasks like setting in stone the purpose and vision, establishing certain goals for the organization, understanding the management and employees while communicating with them meticulously, tackling the issues and problems surrounding the workplace etc.
They should possess qualities like good communicator:
Commitment and passion, honesty and integrity, decision-making capabilities, creativity and innovation, stay positive, inspire others to name a few. Leadership is a very hard skill to master as there is no Performa set to perform its tasks, especially for a new entrepreneur amidst of setting up their organization from the ground up alongside a team of workers. Also new leaders do sometimes make those mistakes while learning about it on the go. This list of “don’ts” is key to becoming a successful leader. Good leaders like Robert Morton knows exactly how to communicate. Robert Morton a Toronto based executive with extensive leadership experience in the financial services industry, with particular experience working in securities, asset management, equities, capital markets, and mutual funds.
Think they know it all:
Working for a boss who tends to believe that they know it all are the hardest to work for. This can discourage the employees who are trying to work in the best of their abilities. And it can get worse when they think that employees are here to do their bidding.
But a successful leader doesn’t assume that their knowledge is more than the people they are leading. They create a sustainable environment in which their employees are allowed to express their knowledge and contribute and utilize the skills for the organization. It is also well known to the successful leader that knowhow of an individual with comparison to a team is far less in nature.
Micromanage and never allow employees to shine:
The leaders who don’t trust their employees completely and keep a constant vigil on them are classified as micro managers. It also includes lack of understanding with regards to the strength and skills of the employees. These poor leaders don’t facilitate growth for employees and organization in due course.
Regarding the goal setting and creating clear objectives. And describing their role, which is essential in fulfilling the requirements for the employees so that the team ultimately achieves success.
Fail to give useful feedback:
Giving positive feedback to its employees and accolade them is the least of things a poor leader does. Constructive criticism involves acknowledging strength and helping to improve weakness of the employees, but this is near negligible in the poor leader’s thought process. It can have an adverse effect on the attitude and psyche of any employee.
Though a successful leader has a fair idea about when to heap praise and recognition on an employee. They understand the value of giving positive feedback as it is very important in helping the employee understand the thing they ought to do or not do. This can also transform an average working employee into optimum worker too.
Avoid Conflict:
Leaders tend to stay away from awkward and tough conflict, as they don’t want to get their hands dirty. But this kind of attitude can lead to minimizing the chances of any corrections and it can even lead to some trouble if this conflict isn’t solved at the earliest.