Getting in a car crash can be a traumatic experience, for people that are involved, for witnesses and for family. A lot of things are happening all at once, which means that it’s not always easy to know whose fault was it for the crash. You may think that you should say something immediately, but whatever you do, stay silent. It’s very easy for the other party to assign blame to you if you try to say something, whether it’s an apology or trying to explain what happened. Staying silent will protect your chance for compensation. If you know it’s not your fault, read below for a guide for what to do after a car accident.
Call the police
If you are able to, call the police immediately. If you have some injuries this will give you the chance to explain to the police dispatcher what happened. They will make sure that your state is described to the emergency so that you can get proper treatment as quickly as possible. If there are other people involved in the accident, try to relay their condition to the dispatcher as well. If there are any entrapment inform them, and exit the vehicle only if it’s safe to do so.
Accept the medical attention that you will be given. Your health should be your number one priority. Even if you feel like you are alright, you can never know if you have internal organ damage that only the doctors can solve. The aftershock can leave you with permanent organ damage, so listen to the medical help on site. Hospital documentation is also valuable for compensation.
Gather necessary information
An accident is a scary event, but it’s very important to try to stay calm in this situation. Staying calm will ensure that you don’t portray yourself as a person to blame, and you will be more capable of collecting evidence. Smartphone cameras are enough to take good pictures and videos of the crash. Collecting information from witnesses is vital, as they may have seen something you didn’t and their confession can be very important.
Recording yourself speaking about what happened can be very useful later, just in case you develop memory problems due to shock for example. The more evidence you collect, the better chances you have of proving it was not your fault. The other driver should report the accident to their insurer, but don’t assume it will certainly happen. You should always collect the following information:
- Other driver’s name, address and phone number
- Insurance company name and policy information
- Driver’s license and plate number
- Pictures of the accident scene
Never admit fault
It can be your first instinct to feel bad about the accident, but never admit fault or apologize to the other driver. You may feel bad about other person’s injuries, but the chances are that actually, the other driver is responsible for your own and your passengers’ injuries. You have to focus on yourself and your passengers if you were not alone. It’s of utmost importance to secure medical treatment and covered expenses from other driver’s insurance if needed. Some injuries take a long time and a lot of finance to fix, and it’s the other driver’s fault. Letting law enforcement investigate the accident and assigning charges is the only way to go about this. A car accident can be serious, it can affect various parts of your life, like your health, career or even relationships. If you are seriously injured, the other driver must face accountability for their actions. Because of these reasons, never admit fault or show emotions after the accident.
Car Repairing
Taking care of simple safety precautions can prevent all the problems we might encounter during an accident. If our car breaks down because of an accident, we might not consider getting it repaired. Every day, car accidents occur that result in damage and scratches. This can be fairly costly and cause your car’s value to degrade, so it’s vital to get them repaired immediately. When you experience a car wreck, there are several dents in your vehicle as a result of the event. After an accident, nothing is more frustrating than finding your car covered in scratches, dents, and cracks. A collision repair shop will help you get high-quality service and fast repair of your car if your claim with MPI is eligible. It includes cutting-edge unibody and frame repair technology, as well as experienced painting, so you can be confident that your car will be repaired swiftly and without trouble.
Talk to the right people
After the car accident, trust law enforcement to do their job and answer any questions that they may have. It may seem that the other driver’s insurance company is trying to help and give you a good settlement, that is usually not the case. Do not accept the first offer, because it will usually not be enough to cover all the damage. If you choose to fight the other driver’s insurance company, especially if you have been injured, you will need a trusted lawyer company, like NSW Compensation Lawyers. Attorneys can help you navigate any laws that you do not understand, and they can help you with the right settlements. Sometimes the insurance company will deny your claim, especially if there is not a police report or the fault isn’t obvious. Take your car to the repair shop so you can determine the real damage that has been done.
Contact your insurance company
Even if it’s not your fault, you can make a claim with your insurance company if you have the right coverages. Your insurance company may be able to pay for the repairs or the total loss of your car r vehicle. You have to understand your injury coverage as well. You will probably be able to make a claim for your injuries through your own health insurance or bodily injury coverage. They will be able to cover for medical expenses and possible lost wages, even if you are not to blame for the crash. Understanding that the whole process will likely take much time to resolve will help you in the long run. Don’t rush into things and try to get as much information as possible. Discussing the details with your lawyer and the insurance company will ensure that you get the best possible coverage you can. Do not take any baits and speak only with law enforcement and lawyers for securing compensation that you deserve.
Every time you start driving there is a certain risk for car crashes. Even if you are a careful and capable driver, that doesn’t mean that the other drivers are the same. It’s always best to drive defensively and try to be as conscious of your environment as possible. No one should pay out of their own pocket for the crash they were not responsible for, so be careful of what you say and do after the car crash. Do not admit fault, and discuss your case with the attorney, but most of all, always drive responsibly.