Whether you are a new mariner or consider yourself a veteran, you probably understand the importance of proper boat maintenance. Regardless of your experience level, you will have to make adjustments and improvements to your boat eventually. These sorts of things are inevitable. There are many added features and enhancements that you can make to your boat that not only improve your quality of life but can also make your experience safer. Perhaps you want to install a new radio system for better reception or a personalized control panel for more comfortable and more accessible navigation. In any case, adjustments and improvements like these will require some electrical work. For quality electrical work, you will likely need a length of 10 AWG marine primary wire. While this wire is core to marine vessel upgrades, it can be difficult to find exactly what type you’re looking for. Read on for helpful information on finding the wire that’s right for you.
1. Insulation
One of the most important things to look for in a 10 AWG marine primary wire is the quality of the insulation. With marine electrical systems, it is essential that moisture, salt, and other minerals found in the water stay out of the wires and cables that generate electricity throughout your system. You want to ensure that these outside elements do not come into contact with the copper elements inside the wires. To achieve this essential level of protection, you’ll want to look for marine-grade insulation.
Fortunately, Underwriters Labaratories (UL) oversees all marine insulation standards. When you are shopping for your wires, you’ll want to check for the UL certification, and accompanying certification information. If you’ve found an UL approved product, you’ll know that you’ve found equipment that is safe and will last.
2. Tinned Wires
“Tinning” is a fundamental process that involves covering or plating copper wires with a thin layer of tin. This process is vital because the added layer of tin helps protect your copper wires from corrosion and other similar types of damage. The tinning process makes copper wires stronger and more durable, ensuring that your wires are safe from outside harm. The thin layer of tin that is added to the wire will not interfere with connectivity, flexibility, or the conductivity of the wire.
3. Proper Warranties and Guarantees
Quality equipment should come with a company guarantee that you can trust. As you begin researching and shopping for your next set of wires, you deserve to have the peace of mind that a professional, complete guarantee can offer. Some of the best electrical and marine supply companies in the industry today will provide extended warranties on their products, in addition to the usual manufacturer issued warranties.
Marine wire is essential to your boat’s function. Without it, your boat would not be able to safely conduct electricity throughout the system. With all of this in mind, you can likely see why it is crucial to find 10 AWG marine primary wires that you can count on. Be patient and earnest in your search for your next set of wires, and make sure that you find the wires that both meet your needs and are backed by industry professionals.
For more information on 10 AWG marine primary wires and how to find the wires that are right for you, visit EWCSWire.com today! EWCSWire is staffed by experienced electricians, engineers, and professionals whose goal, everyday, is to ensure that your project is possible, and your electrical systems are effective to the highest degree possible.
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