If you have ever thought that Lean Six Sigma can help you to make your professional life better than you are absolutely right. The implementation of Six Sigma methodologies is not limited to the professional usages. Thus, if you think that Six sigma can’t be used in your daily life, then you are even more wrong. Apart from helping your professional life and organizations, the application of six sigma in everyday life is also noteworthy.
Six Sigma To Your Daily Life
Here we would like you to know how Six Sigma can help you in a better daily and personal life. Now you can have a happy and Six Sigma integrated lifestyle.
The first and the foremost thing that helps you to keep going is to stay focused and concentrated. The primary purpose of six sigma certification is to help you tom remove the wastes from the process. In the same way, the Six Sigma approach helps you to focus on the priorities of personal life. It can help you to decide which is more important and what must be the sequence of every action and happenings in your life. It also helps you to ignore not necessary and time-consuming activities which are not serving you more
As you apply Six Sigma Green Belt in manufacturing, it makes sure to maintain the time vs manufacturing ratio, the same it does to your personal life too. While removing things that are not serving you much, it can help you to save a lot of time to invest in other activities which can help you to do better things in life. Six Sigma helps you to analyze the time frame required and the time frame you are putting behind doing everything that you do. Apparently, most of the time consuming activities can be pulled down to be done before time while saving lots of time for other and new events.
Six Sigma Black Belt is not about doing so many things together. It is all about doing everything together and all of them to be appropriate. Perfection makes you more versatile, and Six Sigma has the approach of versatility.
The DMAIC approach is constant, either it is being used in an organization or in your personal life.
⦁ Define: While using Six Sigma in your daily life, it helps you to define the approach which is not helping you much to solve them as a waste. You become more conscious about the priorities and the major focal points of your life.
⦁ Measure: It helps you to measure the problems and help you to compare them with your potential while solving them all.
⦁ Analyze: Like six sigma helps the companies to analyze the flaws as well the possible solutions to them, you can have the same attitude with your personal life too. It helps you to analyze the possibilities and opportunities which are much bigger than the problems or wastes.
⦁ Improvement: Six Sigma is also not about implementing completely new strategies while overlooking the old and the problematic one. Six sigma searches for scopes where possible changes can be made. Six sigma helps you to find out major change points and help you to improve yourself to adapt those required changes.
⦁ Control: The last but not the least stage of the DMAIC method is to control. It is about the sustainability of the changes taken place. Six Sigma teaches you that improvement is a daily process. Thus, the development done once must be retained or controlled for making it better and then the best.
Six Sigma Methodologies can help you in every stage of your life including:
TAKEAWAY: Six Sigma makes you believe that change is the only constant, and you need to improve yourself every day and improvement is not just a goal to accomplish. You can have Six Sigma certification for understanding the tools better and to help yourself to achieve a better personal life with Six Sigma tools and methodologies.