People adopt a variety of tips to enhance their body beauty. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries are also available for this. However, many misconceptions about it have also spread among people. Today, on the occasion of Plastic Surgery, Senior Advisor in the Department of Plastic and exposed the confusion and reality related to it. Myths and facts related to breast implants can be found here.
Only models and heroines do breast implants
Many believe that breast implants are just for people in the glamor industry. Breast enhancement (breast augmentation) is one of the world’s favorite cosmetic surgeries. This can be done by any woman who is physically healthy, be it a duo, a model or a heroine.
Any cosmetic surgeon can perform this procedure
Just as no driver can fly an aircraft, similarly no surgeon can perform breast augmentation. If you want to get good results then you should go to a trained and experienced plastic surgeon who performs your surgery. plastic surgeon in Kolkata – specializing in breast surgery may prove to be the best for you.
You have to change the implant after a gap of a few years
There is no guarantee that any medical device will last a lifetime and the same is true for the implant. But there is no instruction to change these at intervals of every few years. If you are healthy and there is no problem, then it can remain for as long as you want. The only requirement is to get regular check-ups with the doctor to avoid any trouble.
You can choose whatever size you want
The size of the implant depends on the shape and texture of your body. Skin type, muscle volume, and chest size help to make decisions about implant size and placement. An overly large implant may look unnatural.
Breast implant causes problems in breastfeeding of the infant
The implant does not normally cause any discomfort in breastfeeding. These are applied in such a way that they do not harm the milk-producing glands and tubes. Many women have no problem breastfeeding despite having an implant.
Surgery is done in a place that is covered. Also, they tend to get lighter over time and hence they are not clearly visible.
But these products prove to be very expensive for them and in addition, these methods also have a negative effect on their health.
We hope that reading this article will be helpful for you as we have given the necessary information related to plastic surgery in it.
If you or someone you know is upset with your body composition, then contact a specialist before taking any kind of steps and start treating it correctly.