There are situations when you need to make a necessary purchase, but you are running out of cash, and you have no time to withdraw cash. This is the time when you can use your credit card online to make a smarter move. Even better that you do not require to carry a lot of cash all the time and it saves you from getting worried about your money getting stolen or wallet getting lost.
This article will help you in getting a clear idea of how a credit card allows you to do smart shopping and makes you smarter.
1. It gives you more time
One of the best features of a credit card is that it gives you time to repay the spent amount. For example, if you go to any shop, you purchase what you need and pay for your bill using a debit card or cash. You will be able to notice the immediate downfall in your balance. But if you pay your same bill using a credit card, you will have almost a month to make the payment.
2. A grace period is available to clear dues
There are times when your bill exceeds the balance on your credit card. If you are anxious about the repayment, then you can relax as there are several banks and different financial institutions which offer almost 50 days grace period to credit card users for clearing out the dues.
3. Enjoy rewards and cash backs
You can use your credit card for several purposes like booking hotels, travelling, paying the grocery bill, or shopping. There are chances that your banker may provide a cashback facility to you. The same applies to online shopping as well. A credit card can help you enjoy some of the best offers offered in the market.
4. It makes big buys affordable
In case you want a new LCD, refrigerator or a washing machine and you do not have enough balance. With the use of a credit card, you can avail (EMI) facility which will make your purchase much easier.
5. You can earn reward points
There are several banks that offer reward points while you make payment using their cards. You can use these reward points in the future to get a discount or buy anything you want.
6. It can turn out to be a saver during an emergency
Life is full of surprises. You never know the next moment you might get hospitalized, and your bill runs up to around lakh of rupees, or you need to book airplane tickets. It is where credit card helps you to make immediate transactions without borrowing the money.
7. Alerts you of any fraudulent activity
Your credit card can save you from a seller on the internet who often tries to take your money on the name of selling things to you. As soon as something suspicious takes place, your card issuer will send you a prompt via SMS about your card getting used. You can then bring it to the notice of card provider that your card has been used without notifying you or fraudulently used.
SEE ALSO: First time credit card borrower? Must remember this point before you apply