Tips About Home Security You Can’t Afford To Miss
Like any homeowner, you want to keep your home safe from burglars and thieves. Your valuables and your privacy are worth protecting, which is why it’s important that you take measures to prevent burglars from entering your home. These range from common sense methods to security technology, but they’re all equally important. Here are some common examples.
1. Get the right kind of lock
Your front and backdoors are the most likely candidates for a burglary entrance. Even when someone is trying to break the law, convenience is considered key. Because of this, you need to make sure that these doors are very well protected from common break-in tools.
Double cylinder locks are a surefire way to prevent any kind of lockpicking or forceful break-in. Installing one might require consultation from an experienced locksmith. A lot of locksmiths won’t recommend a double cylinder lock right away, either because they aren’t very skilled or they might not care much for your home’s security. Because of this, you should emphasize that you require a double cylinder lock when installing a new one.
2. Use a decal sticker
Criminals aren’t going to recreate the heist scene in Ocean’s eleven in order to burgle the average home. They aren’t looking for a challenge, they’re looking for an easy target and a quick payday. To avoid this, all you have to do is signal that you have a well-protected home that simply isn’t worth hassling.
Nothing short of an obvious sign will draw attention to this, so make use of one. Window decals that warn of a security system will deter ninety per cent of all criminals, leaving your home safe. However, just one or two of these decals might not work. Most burglaries are done at night, which means visibility is pretty low. Stick them near every major entrance and you can be sure that your home will stay untouched.
3. Let neighbours help
When you’re off on your vacation, you’re probably not thinking about your home’s security often, but when you are, the fact that you can’t possibly know if something bad is happening might eat you up.
Instead of leaving everything up to chance, let your neighbours help you by checking on your home every once in a while. You don’t have a lot of reasons not to trust them. Even if you don’t find them to be the most trustworthy of individuals, missing things without signs of a break-in would instantly implicate them, which means a betrayal is unlikely. Give them a spare key and tell them to check up on your place every other day if they aren’t busy, just to make sure nothing fishy has occurred.
4. Lock the bathroom window
Something as innocuous as a bathroom window could potentially become an entry point for anyone looking to steal from your home. However, it’s not very likely that you’ll ever leave it open on your own, so why check on it?
It’s not uncommon for people to call professionals like electricians, painters, and plumbers into their own home. These individuals might not mean any harm to you and they’re just doing their job, but you never know. There have been cases of such tradesmen leaving bathroom windows unlocked in order to have a clear way inside of the home later on. Because of this, make sure that you always check on small locks in the home after having professionals over.
5. Store firewood in a shed
If you have to burn wood to keep warm during the cold winter months, you probably have a bunch of logs standing next to the side of your home. It’s a convenient spot and you don’t have to walk long distances when you need one to burn. Unfortunately, it can present itself as the perfect entry point for a burglar.
It might seem comical, but a potential thief could stack a couple of logs and use them to climb up onto your roof and enter through less secure windows. To prevent this, simply keep your firewood stored away in a shed, away from prying eyes.
6. Install security cameras
There’s nothing more intimidating for a potential burglar than seeing a functioning security camera. They are the bane of criminals everywhere, simply because they leave an abundance of identifying evidence that can very easily be used in a court of law. Not to mention, footage of the crime is some of the most powerful pieces of evidence you can have.
If you’re wondering where to Install cctv security cameras in your home, there are a couple of key spots that can’t be neglected. For starters, your front porch should always have a security camera that is facing the driveway. This instantly lets every passerby know that you have surveillance.
Backdoors, groups of windows, and the living room should have their own cameras, just in case. Any potential burglar that checks your home out won’t have the guts to get past so many cameras, even if they somehow find a way in.
7. Keep phone ringers silent
Obviously, this doesn’t apply to mobile phone. You’re probably taking that phone with you wherever you go. On the other hand, your landline phone isn’t going anywhere. If it suddenly rings out of the blue and you’re not there, it could be loud enough to signal that nobody is home. If you don’t answer and it goes to voicemail, it’s a surefire sign that the home is empty.
To avoid this somewhat unlikely scenario, you should make sure to turn down your landline ringer whenever you head out for a long period of time.
Keeping your home safe and well-protected isn’t as difficult of a task as it might seem. You simply need to take care of the most common entry points that the average burglar uses and make sure that they are deterred from targeting your home. Consider some of these methods and you’re going to end up with a home that is very unlikely to be burgled any time soon.