People have a lot of questions about protein powder. If you are someone who hits the gym regularly, then your coach may advise you to take dietary supplements that will help expedite the process of weight loss, muscle building and cover up the essential nutrients in the body so that you can practice the workout better. Now, people often get intimidated when it comes to consuming protein powder products. Protein shakes, protein bars and snacks, etc. there is so much variety that one can choose from that can benefit one’s body.
The ever so debatable protein powder is now turning into an enigma where there is contradiction, difference of opinion, paradox attached to it which is adding to the misery of confusing the simple protein supplement into some kind of mysterious entity.
Don’t follow the herd and get your facts straight!
Try to understand the simple science behind protein and how consuming it can help your body to get in shape. It is medically proven that diabetic patients who consume protein on a daily basis, has shown positive effects on their blood sugar level. They are more active; concentration levels increased and the blood sugar has started to stay within the normal limits.
Protein is essential for making muscles and it helps in burning out the fat making the body leaner and toned. For women, it is no less than a natural remedy. You do not have to consume large amounts of protein like the men. Stay simple and consume moderate amounts.
Add it in your breakfast smoothie! A scoop of natural protein powder supplements with some banana, cashew nuts, hazelnuts and almond milk; sums up for a healthy breakfast meal. This is a best nutritional breakfast for women as it has the goodness of nuts and sugars from banana with the scoop of your favourite choice of protein, will serve you with essential nutrients that will keep your active until your next meal.
When it comes to women’s weight loss, dietary supplements play a key role. Women usually do not have to have a masculine body. Their bodies just need a little bit of toning and that lean shape which is healthy looking and no flabby skin on the arms or legs. Protein has a natural property that tends to tighten the skin. So when women perform workout regimes that include weight lifting, cardio and other machine workouts, the protein activates the muscle which helps in building the right mass and burning out the fat from the body. It helps in shaping and toning the muscles which form a tighter muscles thread that sticks to each other. The skin adjusts to the new shape and the body looks leaner and healthier.
Get rid of the myths about Protein Powder
The common myths include:
#1 Protein Powder causes gastric problems
#2 Makes women look bulkier
#3 If you run, you don’t need protein powder
#4 Consume shake within 30 minutes of your workout
All of the above myths are baseless. First of all, you cannot get gastric problems because of protein powder unless you are allergic to it. Yes, protein can make stomach uneasy but only if you are taking insane amounts. You should never exceed the daily limit or there will be problems not only just in your stomach but there can be hormonal imbalance which can cause acne, ulcers and other problems as well which can be of serious nature. Do not forget that excess of everything is bad! Take normal amounts and eat strategically. If you want your body to show the best results then you must combine a workout regime with healthy eating. The results will be phenomenal and unexpected.
Another most common myth is that for women to consume protein powder is not a good option. It can make them look bulkier and add weight on the wrong sides. It is absolutely false. It depends on the workout regime. For example, if you had an abs session then protein powder will work on the abs muscles particularly as those are active and tried out in the workout. Similarly, if you do a hip workout, the supplement will tend to work on those muscles more. So, plan your workout strategically and every day you make sure to change the schedule. Focus on every muscle of your body and divide it into days. This way, you will have the right kind of weight on the right parts of your body. Also, the property of protein is to tone the muscle, so you cannot look bulky unless you are doing something wrong with your schedule or consuming too much amount.
Be careful about buying Protein Powder Supplements Online. Only look for tried and tested websites. Dietary supplements are flooding the market which is why this category has become quite vulnerable where people are marketing duplicate products. We advise you to choose wisely!
Our body needs protein and unfortunately, you cannot get it all from the food. Think about the amount of food you will have to consume to cover the daily requirement of protein. For every kilo on your body, you need 2 grams to cover the daily requirement. Usually, 25-30 grams of protein is essential for those who workout. If you consume so much of milk, eggs, nuts, lentils and other protein rich foods to cover the daily limit, you will also be consuming fats and carbohydrates that will be difficult to shed out in the workout. Whereas protein supplements are packed with enough nutrients that will help and not jeopardize your plan for weight loss. Fat is essential for the protein to get digested in the body but not so much that the fat gets stored in the body. Best Healthy Protein Snacks and natural protein powder supplements have enough to help your body get fit. Combination of foods with dietary supplements will help get the right weight and detoxify the bad elements out of the system.
Make it a habit to start your day with Green Tea X50 and breakfast with an enriching protein shake smoothie!